The Booty Report

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Arrr, Al Pacino be tellin' tales o' Oscars mishaps, like a scallywag lost at sea tryin' to find land!


Arrr, the scallywag star, with a wink in his eye, declared “Oppenheimer” the victor of best picture, leaving many landlubbers in shock. Aye, the show’s captains begged him not to reveal the other contenders. Ahoy, the suspense be killin'!

Arrr matey! The star be like a sneaky pirate, keepin' the other scallywags in the dark about the other films up for the grand prize. Aye, 'twas a cunning move indeed!
Many mateys were caught off guard when the star blurted out that "Oppenheimer" be takin' home the treasure of best picture. Some landlubbers may have been scratchin' their heads in confusion!
But it seems the producers of the show be pullin' the strings behind the scenes, tellin' the star to keep the other nominations under lock and key. Aye, there be some sneaky business happenin' backstage!
So next time ye be watchin' a grand ceremony like this, keep an eye out for the tricks and schemes of the producers. And remember, in the world of showbiz, there be more than meets the eye!

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