The Booty Report

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Arrr, ye landlubbers best set sail to these fine ports for the best roundball festivities in all the land!


Avast ye scallywags! The time of March Madness be upon us, and a new study hath revealed the finest havens fer college basketball fans in the land. Set yer sights on the top ports o' call, mateys! Onward to victory!

Ahoy mateys! 'Tis March, the time for college basketball lovers to get ready for the madness that be March Madness. Set to begin on March 19, 2024, 64 teams be swashbucklin' their way to the championship title in this annual NCAA tournament. Games be spread across the land, from Dayton to Charlotte, Los Angeles to other far-off places.Many a fan be gatherin', hopin' their bracket be fetchin' 'em some gold doubloons. WalletHub released a list o' top cities for these college basketball lovers, rankin' 'em based on team numbers, performance, Hall of Fame coaches, and stadium sizes.Los Angeles be crowned the top city for its NCAA teams and championship wins. Philadelphia and Storrs also be high on the list, boastin' multiple teams and passionate fans. Other cities like Ann Arbor, Salt Lake City, and Lynchburg be gettin' mention too.Spokane's Gonzaga University be the best-performin' team, while Mississippi Valley State be at the bottom o' the standings. WalletHub be talkin' more on the matter, so stay tuned for more news on the best cities for college basketball fans. Arrr!

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