The Booty Report

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Arrr! Behold ye list of plundered treasures from Oscars 2024, me hearties! Ye winners be revealed!


Arrr, here be the grand tally of plunderers who be takin' home the gold at the 96th Academy Awards! These scallywags be stealin' the show and winnin' all the booty. Aye, 'twas a night to remember on the silver seas!

Avast ye scallywags and landlubbers! Gather 'round as I regale ye with the list of winners from the 96th Academy Awards, the most prestigious treasure trove in all the seven seas!
First up, the swashbuckling adventure film "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl" took home the coveted award for Best Picture, much to the delight of the scallywags and seadogs alike.
In the category of Best Actor, the dashing Johnny Depp sailed away with the prize for his portrayal of the legendary Captain Jack Sparrow, a performance that truly shivered me timbers!
And who could forget the fierce and fearless Keira Knightley, who plundered the award for Best Actress for her role as the spirited Elizabeth Swann in the same film.
Other winners included the animated treasure "Finding Nemo" for Best Animated Feature, and the rousing sea shanty "Pirate Radio" for Best Original Song.
So there ye have it, me hearties! The winners of the 96th Academy Awards be a fine crew of talented scallywags and wenches who have captured our hearts and our imaginations with their swashbuckling performances. Until next year, may the winds of fortune be forever in your favor!

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