The Booty Report

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Arrr, 'tis a tale of how 'I'm Just Ken' plundered the Oscars without takin' home the booty!


Arr, listen mateys! The choreographer Mandy Moore took inspiration from Ryan Gosling and Greta Gerwig to craft a jolly dance in mere days. Aye, she be a swashbuckling lass with a talent for creating entertainment that pleases the masses!

Arr, me hearties! Let me spin ye a yarn 'bout the wondrous choreographer Mandy Moore, who be takin' inspiration from the likes o' Ryan Gosling and Greta Gerwig to craft a number that be pleasin' the masses in mere days. 'Tis a feat worthy of praise, me mateys! Moore be workin' her magic like a swashbucklin' pirate, creatin' somethin' that be makin' the crowd cheer and clap with glee.
She be takin' the ideas o' these Hollywood legends and mixin' 'em up with her own special blend o' dance and movement, creatin' a masterpiece that be dazzlin' audiences far 'n wide. 'Tis a sight to behold, me hearties, a true spectacle that be leavin' all who see it breathless with wonder.
So here's to Mandy Moore, the choreographer extraordinaire, who be showin' us all what it means to be a true artist. May her talents continue to shine like a beacon in the night, guidin' us all to a world of beauty and joy. Yo ho ho, me hearties, let's raise a glass to the one and only Mandy Moore!

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