The Booty Report

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Arr! Kenya be sayin' hold yer horses, we be stoppin' the sendin' of our police to Haiti for now!


Arrr, the African scallywags be holdin' back their force until the land o' Haiti gets itself a new leader. The Haitian prime minister be walkin' the plank, and they be waitin' fer a new cap'n to take the helm. Ahoy, the seas be full o' political shenanigans!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Listen up, me hearties! The African nation be sayin' they won't be sendin' a force to Haiti until them landlubbers form a new government. Aye, the Haitian prime minister be walkin' the plank, announcin' his intention to resign! Looks like it be time for a change in leadership on the high seas of politics!
Arrr, it be a tricky situation, me mateys! Without a captain at the helm, the ship of state be driftin' aimlessly in turbulent waters. Will the crew be able to navigate these treacherous seas and find a new leader to steer the ship? Only time will tell, me hearties!
So batten down the hatches and hoist the jolly roger, me buckos! We be watchin' and waitin' to see what fate has in store for the good ship Haiti. Let's hope they find a new leader who can chart a course to calmer waters and lead the crew to a prosperous future. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Fair winds and followin' seas to ye all!

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