The Booty Report

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Arrr, the CDC be sendin' their crew to Chicago to handle the scurvy outbreak among the land lubbers.


Avast ye! The CDC be sendin' their medical scallywags to aid the landlubbers in Chicago, Illinois, against the scurvy measles outbreak at the Pilsen migrant shelter. Prepare to be boarded by the healin' crew!

Avast ye scallywags! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention be sendin' medical personnel to tackle a measles outbreak at a migrant detention center in Illinois. Arrr!Chicago Department of Public Health officials be soundin' the alarm after a second case of measles be discovered at the Pilsen migrant shelter. The CDC teams will be swabbin' the decks and vaccinatin' the new arrivals to prevent the spread of this dreaded disease.The CDPH be workin' with healthcare partners to screen all residents for symptoms and vaccinate as needed. Aye, even the scurvy dogs from the CDC be joinin' the fray to aid in the response.City officials be battening down the hatches and institutin' a 21-day quarantine for migrants after they receive the measles shot. Commissioner Olusimbo Ige be advisin' all landlubbers to get vaccinated pronto to protect against this vile disease.Measles be spreadin' like wildfire, with five cases reported in the Chicago area. The DFSS be providin' meals for those under quarantine, and the medical teams be workin' hard to find the source of the outbreak. Avast, me hearties, be vigilant and get vaccinated to avoid walkin' the plank into the clutches of measles!

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