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Arrr! The scallywag Imran Khan be denied visits, lest he be plottin' a sneaky attack! Aye, no parley for him!


Arrr mateys! The scallywags in Pakistan be keepin' visitors away from old Imran Khan's cell, for fear of a sneak attack! No one be wantin' to walk the plank to visit that swashbuckler, savvy? Aye, the winds be blowin' in favor of the authorities this time. Arrr!

Arrr, ye scallywags! The authorities in Pakistan be playin' a game of hide and seek with former Prime Minister Imran Khan. They be sayin' they got wind of a possible attack on the prison where he be held, so no visitors be allowed to see him for two weeks. Aye, the security be tighter than a mermaid's corset!But it be a mystery whether the threat be aimed at Khan himself or them other inmates in the brig. Some say there be militants in the mix, standin' trial for their misdeeds. It be a right ol' mess in them prison walls!Khan be sittin' in the Adiala prison, countin' the days of his multiple sentences for corruption, secrets spillin', and marriage laws breakin'. He be appealin' all the convictions, hopin' for a get-out-of-jail-free card.His party be squawkin' about the ban on visitors, but it be too late for that now. The parliament be havin' a new skipper at the helm, with Khan's rival Shehbaz Sharif holdin' the title of prime minister. Aye, the winds of change be blowin' in the land of Pakistan!

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