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Ye scurvy dog o' a Belgian activist be gettin' a taste o' the brig fer his foul tongue! Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy Belgian court be sendin' that scallywag Dries Van Langenhove to the brig for a year! The judge be callin' his blabberin' words "racist, hateful, Nazi, and negationist." Avast ye, no room for such bilge in our waters!

Arrr, ye scallywags! It be a tale of justice served in Belgium, where the infamous far-right scallywag Dries Van Langenhove was sentenced to a year in the brig for his vile and hateful words that the judge likened to Nazi propaganda. Five of his accomplices, includin' two from the Flemish Interest party, received suspended sentences, but the leader of the party cried foul, callin' the trial a political scheme from the start.They be accused of spoutin' racist and antisemitic drivel in a chat group, and even the scholars and rights defenders be demandin' reparations for their crimes. The scurvy investigative journalists exposed their nefarious deeds in a documentary, revealin' their extremist activities.The judge condemned Van Langenhove for his dangerous ideologies and desire to overthrow democracy in favor of white supremacy. Although the scallywag be plannin' to appeal the ruling, he still be fined a hefty sum for his crimes.This be a warnin' sign of the rise of right-wing extremism and hate across Europe, with far-right parties gainin' ground in many a nation. The upcoming EU elections be sure to be filled with debates over these very issues. So beware, me hearties, for the shadows of hate be lurkin' on the horizon!

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