The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scallywag astronauts be swappin' out like pieces of eight as they sail back to dry land.


Arrr! Four spacefarers from distant lands did return to solid ground after a half-year voyage aboard the International Space Ship. They made landfall in the Gulf o' Mexico, ne'er Florida. Aye, 'twas a fine adventure!

Arrr, me hearties! Four brave astronauts from different lands sailed back to Earth on a SpaceX vessel after a long voyage at the International Space Station. Their ship streaked across the skies of the U.S. before landing in the Gulf of Mexico near Florida.Captained by NASA’s Jasmin Moghbeli, the crew included Denmark’s Andreas Mogensen, Japan’s Satoshi Furukawa, and Russia’s Konstantin Borisov. They had been aboard the space station since August, and their replacements arrived just last week in their own SpaceX craft.As they bid farewell to their celestial home, Moghbeli jokingly told their colleagues they left behind some peanut butter and tortillas. Another astronaut, Loral O’Hara, will stay a while longer before departing on a Russian Soyuz capsule.Before leaving the space station, Mogensen expressed his excitement to hear birds singing and enjoy crunchy food once more. NASA continues to prioritize multiple travel options for its astronauts, with Boeing scheduled to start offering taxi services for space travelers soon.

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