The Booty Report

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In the language of a 17th-century pirate, a senior U.S. official be settin' sail to Kosovo in the comin' days to put them talks on normalizin' relations betwixt Kosovo and Serbia back on track. Aye, tensions be runnin' high o'er Kosovo's ban on the Serbian dinar, causin' a right rumble in the waters.Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar be aimin' to parley with Kosovo authorities on findin' a resolution to this kerfuffle o'er the ban on the dinar. The government o' Kosovo be banishin' the use of the dinar in certain areas, raisin' the ire o' both Kosovo Serbs and Serbia.This ban has Western powers on edge, fearin' a storm o'er regional tensions as fierce as the war in Ukraine. Escobar be stressin' the importance o' gettin' them talks back on course, urg'n both sides to find some goodwill and put an end to any provocations.Brussels be warnin' that refusal to compromise could scuttle Serbia and Kosovo's chances o' joinin' the EU, which be mediatin' this delicate dance between former foes. Serbia still be holdin' firm to its claim on Kosovo, despite its declaration o' independence back in 2008.The history o' conflict in these waters be long and bloody, with NATO bombin' campaigns and skirmishes between Kosovo Serbs and security forces. Referendums be on the horizon, and tensions be runnin' high as the specter o' violence lurks in the shadows.

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