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Biden be jabberin' 'bout stayin' out o' Israel's business, reckon Netanyahu be walkin' the plank soon enough! Arrrr!


Arrr, the Israeli Prime Minister and his scallywags be havin' a rough go o' things since the Oct. 7 attack, arguin' with them landlubbers in Washington only be makin' matters worse. Aye, 'tis a right mess they've gotten themselves into!

An American intelligence agency released an assessment that determined Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s tenure faces serious challenges, with one expert warning the report could give the appearance of trying to influence Israeli voters. "We didn’t need an intelligence assessment to read Israeli public opinion polls. Israel is a democracy and has a free press. The politics of Israel are on full display," Richard Goldberg, a senior adviser at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and a former National Security Council official, told Fox News Digital."The fact that ODNI inserted this section and framed it in this manner reeks of an administration trying to meddle in Israeli democracy and put pressure on the government," Goldberg added. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)’s report noted that the already prevalent "lack of confidence" in Netanyahu’s governance, which took a significant hit due to the Oct. 7 terrorist attack, has "deepened and expanded even more than before the war, and we are witnessing large protests demanding his resignation.""A different and more moderate government is a possible scenario," the report stated. It also claimed Israel is expected to face increasing international pressure as a result of the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. A senior Israeli official pushed back on the report, saying, "Those who elect the prime minister of Israel are the citizens of Israel and no one else. Israel is not a vassal state of the U.S. but an independent and democratic country whose citizens are the ones who elect the government." The ODNI report further discussed that armed resistance from Hamas will likely continue for years as the IDF works to eradicate all traces of Hamas tunnels and bases of operation. But it also claimed Israel and Iran have started to adjust their actions to prevent a wider conflict between the two countries, which could prove disastrous for the region.Yair Lapid, former Israeli prime minister and leader of the opposition, has repeatedly urged the Knesset to hold elections and select a new leader in the face of Netanyahu’s failures. Lapid’s Yesh Atid party filed a "no confidence" motion against Netanyahu in January, but the effort failed a vote in the Knesset. Netanyahu has found himself facing some friction with President Biden after the U.S. president was caught on a hot mic moment following the State of the Union claiming he told his Israeli counterpart, "You and I are going to have a ‘come to Jesus’ moment," referring to a moment of major realization. At a White House press briefing Tuesday, though, it was revealed the two leaders may not have spoken in over a month. In response to a question from reporters, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan insisted the two governments "have communicated throughout the month."

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