The Booty Report

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Arrr! The fancy French school be in a pickle again, as their captain jumps ship!


Arr mateys, Mathias Vicherat, the cap'n of Sciences Po, be walkin' the plank with his former shipmate in a battle of accusations. His walkin' of the plank be draggin' out years of chaos in the school's crew. Aye, the seas be rough for this captain and his crew.

Arrr mateys, listen up 'n hear me tale of Mathias Vicherat, the scallywag who be the director of Sciences Po, 'n his former partner who be accusin' each other o' violence! Aye, ye heard it right, they be headed to trial 'n the whole crew be watchin' to see who be walkin' the plank first.
But the real shocker be that Vicherat be resignin', leavin' the school in even more chaos than before. The crew be scratchin' their heads wonderin' what be next for Sciences Po, 'n if they be able to weather this storm.
It be a right mess, with years of backstabbin' 'n power struggles at the highest levels of the school. But ye can bet yer doubloons that the drama be far from over, 'n the crew be waitin' with bated breath to see how this tale be unfoldin'.
So batten down the hatches, me hearties, 'n get ready for a wild ride as we follow the adventures of Mathias Vicherat 'n his former partner on the high seas of academia. Yo ho ho, the pirate life be a treacherous one indeed!

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