The Booty Report

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Arrr! The Academy be honorin' Aleksei Navalny while Andrea Bocelli sings a fine tune. Aye, a grand celebration it be!


Arrr mateys, afore we be honorin' the fallen souls of the year gone by, we be showin' a clip of the Russian scallywag opposin' leader as a grand entrance to the tale. Aye, 'tis a fine way to start the show!

Arr, me hearties, gather 'round as we pay tribute to the swashbucklers of the entertainment industry who've sailed on to Davy Jones' locker in the past year. But before we raise a toast to these salty dogs, a clip of the Russian opposition leader appeared on our screens like a ghostly apparition, setting the tone for the plundering to come.

As we remember those who've walked the plank, let's not forget the laughter they brought us, the tears they made us shed, and the songs they sang that made our hearts soar like a seagull on the wind. From the silver screen to the stage, these scallywags left their mark on the seven seas of show business.

So let's hoist the Jolly Roger and salute these fallen comrades with a hearty "Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!" May they rest in peace, forever immortalized in the annals of pirate lore. And remember, me hearties, we're all just temporary denizens of this mortal coil, so let's live each day like it's our last and leave a legacy that will outlast even the fiercest storm.

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