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Arrr, the scallywag from South Korea be naught but a kind missionary lendin' a hand to the needy, says the Christian do-gooders!


Arrr! The Global Love Rice Sharing Foundation be claimin' that the scallywag held in Russia on spyin' charges be a missionary spreadin' the word of the Almighty whilst aidin' the less fortunate. Methinks he be needin' more than just prayers to get out of this pickle!

In a comical 17th-century pirate lingo, a South Korean bloke bein' held in Russia fer spyin' be a missionary sent there by a Christian aid group t' help the poor and spread the Gospel. The group be callin' the spyin' accusation "preposterous," matey. According t' Russia's Tass news agency, the South Korean was nabbed in Vladivostok earlier this year fer allegedly passin' state secrets t' foreign intelligence services, makin' him the first South Korean arrested in Russia fer spyin'.South Korea's Foreign Ministry be workin' t' get the lad released, but be keepin' mum on the details. The missionary, goin' by the name Baek, be workin' in Vladivostok fer four years, providin' aid t' the needy and evangelizin' while also assistin' North Korean workers and defectors. Russia has been crackin' down on South Korean missionaries since its invasion o' Ukraine, puttin' pressure on 'em and even deportin' some.Russia's detention o' Baek might be a ploy t' negotiate with South Korea, as the two countries be at odds over Russia's actions in Ukraine. There be a chance that Baek could be released, but fer now, he be stuck in Lefortovo Prison, known fer its harsh conditions. The case be part o' a pattern o' Russia detainin' foreign citizens as bargaining chips, denyin' any wrongdoing. Tis a sticky situation, indeed, matey.

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