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Arrr, me hearties! Them landlubbers be fleeing to cities 'cause they fear the wrath o' Mother Nature in Vietnam's Delta!


Arrr mateys, in Vietnam's Mekong Delta, poor souls be flockin' to the cities, seekin' shelter from the harsh hand of Mother Nature. They be escapin' the wrath of the climate, like scallywags fleein' a fierce storm on the high seas!

Dao Bao Tran and her brother, Do Hoang Trung, are 11-year-old twins with big dreams. Tran loves K-pop and dreams of visiting Seoul, while Trung wants to be a singer. However, their hopes seem unrealistic in the Mekong Delta, a climate-vulnerable region where dreams often dissipate. The future is uncertain for the poor, with more floods and droughts predicted due to climate change.Living on a houseboat, the twins' single mother works hard to make ends meet, but it's a constant struggle. The call of the city, with better job opportunities, is strong for many in the region. Migration from the delta has increased significantly since 1999, with climate change acting as a catalyst.Despite challenges, people like Trung Hieu, a young man from the delta, move to the city for better opportunities. While adapting to city life, he hopes to fulfill his dream of becoming a teacher and eventually return to the delta. The struggle for a better future continues for many in the Mekong Delta, where dreams and realities often collide.

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