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Arrr, the Israeli scallywags be breakin' ranks, preparin' for battle as the fires o' Gaza burn bright!


Arrr mateys, the centrist scallywags in Israel be breakin' ranks, makin' life difficult fer ol' Captain Netanyahu as the election storm brews on the horizon. The exact date o' battle be as mysterious as buried treasure!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, arrr mateys! A centrist bloc in Israel's unity government formed around former defense minister Benny Gantz has broken up, adding to pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu five months into the Gaza war, ye scallywags!Arrr, after months of political shenanigans, the split be seen as an early sign of positioning for a possible election ahead of schedule, well before the due date in October 2026. Gideon Saar, a former justice minister, surprised all by endin' the partnership with Gantz and startin' his own center-right bloc in parliament. Shiver me timbers!The two men had joined forces in an emergency government after the attack on Israel by Hamas, but now the split signals a return to usual political squabbles in Israel. Arrr, the winds of change be blowin' in the Knesset!Gantz, the likely next prime minister, be causin' a stir with unauthorized visits to Washington and London, upsettin' his coalition partners. He be callin' for unity and preparin' for elections once the war is done, me hearties!A poll shows support for early elections growin', with Gantz's party leadin' over Likud. The political waters be choppy in Israel, but the sails be set for a new course, arrr!

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