The Booty Report

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Arrr, the scallywags in the House be tryin' to plunder our TikTok treasure! Avast ye, me hearties!


Arrr mateys, the decree be gettin' hearty approval from both scallywags and landlubbers alike! 'Tis a rare sight to see both Redcoats and Privateers joinin' forces to show those scurvy dogs in China who be holdin' the power on these high seas! Yo ho ho!

Arr mateys, ye won't believe it but the law be passin' with a thunderous roar of approval from both sides of the aisle! The scallywags known as Republicans and Democrats be joinin' forces like never before, all in the name of showin' China who be boss!
Ye could hear the cheers and hollers from miles away as the politicians strutted around like proud peacocks, boastin' about their newfound unity. It be a sight to behold, I tell ye!
The bill be gettin' more support than a bottle of rum at a pirate's tavern. The landlubbers be clamorin' to be the first to sign on, each one tryin' to outdo the other in their quest to be seen as strong and bold against the mighty dragon of the East.
So raise a flagon of grog to this rare moment of harmony, me hearties! Who knows when we'll see the likes of it again? But for now, let's bask in the glow of bipartisan unity and toast to a job well done in stickin' it to China!

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