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Arrr, Austria be sendin' two landlubbers packin' from the Russian Embassy in Vienna. Walk the plank, ye scallywags!


Arrr, Austria be givin' two landlubber diplomats from the Russian Embassy the ol' heave-ho! They be declared "personae non gratae" and be walkin' the plank outta Vienna before March 19. Avast ye, no room for scallywags here!

In a bold move reminiscent of the swashbuckling days of old, Austria has given the boot to two diplomats from the Russian Embassy in Vienna, accusing them of engaging in some good old-fashioned spying activities. The Foreign Ministry didn't mince words, declaring the two Russians "personae non gratae" and ordering them to pack their bags and be gone by March 19.An anonymous Austrian official spilled the beans, confirming that the expulsions were indeed linked to espionage. But the plot thickens as Russia vows to retaliate against Vienna's "groundless decision," with tensions escalating faster than a pirate ship in a storm.The Russian Embassy, in a fit of rage, denounced Austria's actions as purely political, claiming no evidence was presented and pointing fingers at Vienna for any potential fallout in bilateral relations. This diplomatic dance of expulsion and retaliation echoes a familiar tune in the ongoing tango between Western European nations and Russia since the invasion of Ukraine.Austria, known for its neutrality and hosting international organizations, had been hesitant to walk the plank but has now joined the ranks of countries giving Russian diplomats the heave-ho. With previous expulsions in 2022 and 2023, Austria is showing it's not one to be trifled with, even if it means ruffling some feathers in the diplomatic community.

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