The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, trouble be brewin' at Al Aqsa on the first Friday o' Ramadan, mateys! Keep yer wits 'bout ye!


Arrr! The scurvy dogs be checkin' the worshippers outside the holy site, as Hamas be callin' for an "escalation" from the landlubbers in response to the war in Gaza. Avast ye, buckle yer swashes and prepare for a rumble in the jungle!

Arrr mateys! Ye scallywags best be listenin' up! The Israeli coppers be checkin' every worshiper outside the holy site like a bunch of landlubbers! And why, ye ask? 'Tis all because o' that scurvy dog Hamas callin' for an "escalation" from the Palestinians in response to the war in Gaza!
But let me tell ye, it be a right laugh to see them coppers tryin' to keep the peace like a bunch o' nervous parrots on a sinking ship! They be searchin' bags and askin' questions like they be lookin' for buried treasure!
But mark me words, this be a dangerous game they be playin'. Them tensions be as high as the crow's nest on a stormy night! The smell of cannon smoke be in the air, and the clash o' swords be not far off!
So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and hold onto yer hats! The seas be rough, and the pirates be restless. It be a time for caution and wit, for the storm be brewin' and the waves be crashin'! Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum!

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