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Arr! The Senegalese scallywag be released from the brig afore the election be upon us! Aye, let the games begin!


Arrr mateys! The Senegalese scallywag Ousmane Sonko be set free from the brig just afore the grand election on March 24th! Ye can bet he be swashbucklin' his way back to the campaign trail in no time! Aye, me hearties!

Arr mateys! Senegal's top opposition leader, Ousmane Sonko, has been set free from the clink just in time for the big presidential election on March 24th, his trusty lawyer shared. Sonko's matey, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, was also released from the brig, to the joy of supporters who gathered to celebrate the good news in Dakar.But will this turn of events affect the election, ye may wonder? Only time will tell, me hearties! Sonko has been locked up since July, fighting tooth and nail to run for president. Faye took up the mantle after Sonko was barred from the race.Sonko be known as the main scallywag challenging President Macky Sall's ruling crew. Sall decided to retire from the game after Sonko's supporters caused a ruckus with deadly protests. This shook Senegal's reputation as a rock of stability in West Africa.Sonko's bid for the presidency has been fraught with legal troubles, mateys. Accused of rape and convicted of corrupting the youth, he's faced many a storm in his quest for power. But his supporters swear it's all a ploy by the government to scuttle his ambitions for the 2024 election.His release comes after Sall's decree to release political prisoners, including those caught up in last year's violent protests. Now, the race for the presidency in Senegal is on, following a turbulent delay that sparked more unrest in the land. But fear not, me hearties, the winds of change are blowing in Senegal!

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