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Avast ye landlubbers! Rich bloke be bringin' back plans to build Titanic II and set sail once more! Arrr!


Arrr mateys! A scurvy dog of an Australian billionaire be plannin' to construct a replica of the cursed Titanic ship to sail the seven seas once more. Shiver me timbers, what folly be this! Mayhaps he be needin' to swab the deck instead.

Arrr mateys! Australian mining magnate Clive Palmer be at it again, resurrecting plans to build a replica of the ill-faded Titanic to sail around the world. This be not his first time makin' such promises, havin' launched similar plans in 2012 and 2018 without anythin' to show for it.At a press conference held at the Sydney Opera House, Palmer announced his vision for the vessel, promisin' a ship of love and ultimate luxury. Despite not havin' secured a shipyard, he be adamant about movin' forward with the project.The ship, to be constructed by Palmer's company, Blue Star Line, will mirror the original Titanic's journey from Southampton to New York, as well as sailin' around the world. With nine decks and 835 cabins, includin' replicas of the original Bridge and smoke stacks, the vessel aims to provide a nostalgic experience while incorporatin' modern technology and safety measures.Although work on the Titanic II was halted in 2015 and delayed further due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Palmer be determined to see his dream come to fruition, statin' that buildin' the Titanic be more excitin' than countin' his money at home. Aye, the legend of the Titanic lives on!

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