The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! 20 scurvy dogs sent to Davy Jones' locker while awaitin' aid in Middle East. Gazan officials blabber.


Arrr, the scallywags of the Gaza health ministry be cryin' foul play, claimin' the landlubbers o' Israel be aimin' at the bellies o' the hungry! But the salty dogs from Israel be pointin' their fingers at the Palestinian gun-toters for the mayhem on the high seas! Aye, what a jolly ol' mess!

Arrr, me hearties, listen up! The scallywags of the Gaza health ministry be cryin' foul, accusin' the landlubbers of Israel of firin' at hungry souls in a “targeted attack.” But hold fast, for the Israeli military be swearin' on the Jolly Roger that 'twas the rascally Palestinian gunmen who be causin' the bloodshed. Aye, 'tis a right ol' mess we find ourselves in!
But let's not be jumpin' to conclusions just yet, me mateys. There be more twists and turns in this tale than a mermaid's tail in a stormy sea. Who be tellin' the truth, and who be slinging the bilge? Only Davy Jones himself knows for sure!
So batten down the hatches and hoist the colors, for this be a battle of words as fierce as any cannonball. The truth may be buried deeper than a treasure chest on a deserted island, but mark me words, we pirates be keepin' a weather eye on the horizon. Aye, the seas be rough, but we be sailin' through with our heads held high and our cutlasses at the ready!

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