The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Supreme Court be settin' guidelines for keepin' landlubbers from spyin' on officials' accounts. Savvy?


Arrr, ye scallywags! In two grand decrees, the justices did endeavor to separate betwixt private affairs, which be not under the protection of the First Amendment, and actions of the state, which be subject to it. Yarrr!

Arrr, me hearties! In two grand rulings, the justices be makin' it clear as the Caribbean waters that private doings don't be fallin' under the protection of the First Amendment. But when it comes to state action, that be a whole different kettle o' fish! Ye best believe that the law be keepin' a keen eye on what them officials be up to.
So listen up, ye scurvy dogs! When ye be actin' on yer own, ye better be mindful of the rules. But if ye be representin' the state, then ye best be watchin' yer back, for the law be watchin' ye like a hawk! So whether ye be a landlubber or a seasoned sea dog, be mindful of what ye be doin', for the justices be drawin' a clear line between private conduct and state action.

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