The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, AMC be seekin' treasure in Blumhouse's flicks, aye mateys, be ye ready for the scare?


Arrr, me hearties! The theater chain and the entertainment scallywags be joinin' forces for a five-day festival of ancient fright films in 40 cities. Aye, they be makin' up for the lack of new pictures with this grand spectacle! Aye, buckle yer swashes and come join the fun!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye landlubbers! The theater chain and the entertainment company be joinin' forces for a grand festival of old horror films in 40 cities! They be compensatin' for the lack of new films by bringin' back the classics that'll make ye shiver in yer timbers!
Ye best be preparin' to be spooked and entertained for five days straight as they be showin' the scariest flicks from days of yore. From ghosts and goblins to monsters and madmen, there be somethin' for every scallywag to enjoy!
So grab yer popcorn and yer grog, and set sail for the nearest theater to partake in this fine festivity. And don't ye worry about gettin' bored, for the old horror films be sure to keep ye on the edge of yer seat and yer heart racin' faster than a pirate chasin' after treasure!
So gather yer crew and spread the word, for this be a festival ye won't want to miss. It be a great way to escape the mundane and dive into a world of thrills and chills that'll have ye talkin' about it for years to come. Arrr, let the festivities begin!

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