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Ye scallywags peddlin' yer potions shan't be granted mercy, says the Court of High Seas!


Arrr mateys! The high and mighty Supreme Court be sayin' that them scallywag drug dealers can't be gettin' a shorter stay in the brig thanks to the First Step Act. Looks like they be walkin' the plank for a bit longer, me hearties!

Arr mateys! The Supreme Court be sayin' that them low-level drug dealers won't be gettin' no shortened prison terms under a Trump-era criminal justice law. They be settlin' a dispute over the meanin' of a muddy provision in the 2018 First Step Act, matey.This law was meant to spare them nonviolent dealers who cooperate with the law from facin' longer sentences, but the word "and" caused quite a ruckus among the courts. Some said it means "and," while others said it means "or," and a defendant's fate depended on it, arr!Justice Elena Kagan wrote for the majority that the criminal-history provision be clear, but Justice Neil Gorsuch be lamentin' that thousands more folks will be denied a chance at a lesser sentence, mateys.Nearly 6,000 people could've been eligible for reduced sentences, but now they be out of luck. Pulsifer be one of them, facin' a lengthy stay in the brig until 2031. Congress could change the law if they be thinkin' the court be wrong, but for now, the decision be final.So keep an eye on the horizon, me hearties, for the law be a-changin' like the wind!

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