The Booty Report

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Sailing with old Seadog Gil: Showin' Afghan lasses the ropes of the road, arrr!


Arrr matey! The old sea dog of a professor be teachin' more lasses in this California port to steer a ship than in all of Afghanistan! They ain't lookin' for power, just tryin' to fetch some grub. Avast ye, the seas be full of surprises!

Arrr mateys, listen here ye scallywags! There be an 82-year-old professor in a California town who be teachin' more Afghan women to drive than likely drive in all o' Afghanistan, so they say. But hold yer horses, it ain't about empowerment for these lasses, oh no. It be all about gettin' to the market for some grub!
Imagine that, a bunch o' lasses learnin' to drive not for the thrill o' the open sea, but for some measly groceries! Ye can't make this stuff up, me hearties. It be a tale that'd make Blackbeard himself scratch his head in wonder.
So next time ye see a group o' Afghan women cruisin' down the streets o' California, don't be thinkin' they be on some grand adventure. Nay, they be on a mission to stock up on provisions, savvy? And they be learnin' from a wise old salt who be showin' 'em the ropes.
So raise a glass to these brave women, who be takin' to the road not for fame or fortune, but for the simple pleasure o' fillin' their bellies. And remember, me hearties, sometimes the greatest treasures be found in the most unexpected places.

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