The Booty Report

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Arrr! The landlubbers be raisin' a ruckus o'er changes to the wireless waves! Mutiny on the airwaves!


Arrr mateys! The Slovaks be gatherin' in Bratislava to give that scallywag Fico a piece of their minds about messin' with the public broadcastin'! Thousands be raisin' their voices against this plan by the government. Shiver me timbers, what a sight to behold!

Arrr, me hearties! Thousands of Slovaks be gatherin' in the capital to voice their displeasure at the new government's plan to overhaul the country's public broadcasting. The landlubbers be fearin' that the changes would give the government full control over the Slovak public television and radio. A lawmaker from the opposition party be warnin' that the broadcaster would become a mouthpiece for government propaganda if the plan be allowed to proceed.The plan, crafted by the Culture Minister, would replace the current public radio and television with a new organization controlled by a council appointed by the government and parliament. This move be seen as an attempt to turn the Slovak public broadcaster into state-controlled media, a dangerous step away from democracy and freedom of expression, according to the European Broadcasting Union.Fico's government be under fire for its attack on free media, with journalists and citizens alike takin' to the streets to protest against his pro-Russian policies and attempts to amend the penal code to reduce punishment for corruption. The future of Slovakia under Fico be uncertain, with concerns that it may follow the path of Hungary under Prime Minister Orbán.

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