The Booty Report

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Arr matey, Greek lawman caught red-handed with 225 pounds of devil's lettuce! A fine haul indeed!


Avast! A Greek constable hath been caught red-handed near the Albanian shore with 225 pounds of the devil's lettuce! Methinks he be in quite a pickle now, aye, the scallywag! The law be swift and ruthless, arrr!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! A tale of treachery and deceit befallen upon the land of northwestern Greece, where a police officer be caught red-handed in the act of smuggling the devil's lettuce in his service carriage! Arrr!The filthy bilge rat was nabbed in the port town of Igoumenitsa, after a wild chase on the high roads, in cahoots with a scallywag from Albania found aboard his unmarked vessel of enforcement.Arrr, a search of the vessel uncovered a staggering 225 pounds of the wretched herb, aye, a police missive declared!The blackguard did not heed the orders of his brethren to surrender and made to flee on his carriage, only to be foiled by his own recklessness, crashing into other carriages in his haste.Another officer of the law was also found complicit in this nefarious scheme, discovered in a coffee house miles away from the scene of the crime.All three rogues now face the wrath of the law on charges related to the devil's weed, in a land where contraband flows freely across borders like rum on a pirate ship.

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