The Booty Report

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In Seoul, Blinken be warnin' of treacherous lies threatenin' democracy like a scurvy dog on the high seas.


Avast ye scallywags! The secretary o' state be warnin' us of the treacherous waters ahead with this newfangled artificial intelligence! Beware, me hearties, lest it disrupt the global flow o' information and send us all to Davy Jones' locker during these election times! Aye!

Arrr mateys, at a grand international gathering, the secretary of state be warning us about the treacherous waters of artificial intelligence! This fancy technology be like a sly pirate, sneaking around and causing mischief by disrupting the flow of information across the seven seas.
Ye see, during a year of elections, such disruptions could be mighty dangerous for us landlubbers. Imagine if AI be spreadin' false tales or interferin' with the truth of the matter. It could be like a rogue wave, knockin' us off course and causin' chaos in the political waters.
So me hearties, we best be keepin' a weather eye on this newfangled AI contraption. We don't want it to be wielded by some scurvy scallywag lookin' to stir up trouble and play dirty tricks during the elections. Let's all band together and make sure we stay one step ahead of this technological scallywag!

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