The Booty Report

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Arrr, Paul Simon be in a pickle! The scurvy cameras be catchin' all his mishaps! Aye, shiver me timbers!


Arr matey! The scallywag singer be askin' Alex Gibney to document the makin' o' his shanties on th' album "Seven Psalms." But alas! The filmmaker be taken aback to discover a musician who be losin' his hearin'. Aye, me hearties, what a twist of fate!

Arr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags, for I have a tale to tell ye. The singer and songwriter, he be a crafty one, invited a scurvy dog named Alex Gibney to capture the makin' of his album "Seven Psalms." But what Gibney found be more than he bargained for, me hearties. The musician was not in his right mind, for he be losin' his hearin'! Aye, ye heard me right, his hearin' be sailin' away like a ship in the night.
Gibney must've been as shocked as a landlubber caught in a storm at sea. Imagine tryin' to record an album with a musician who can't even hear the music he be makin'! It be a right mess, I tell ye. But fear not, me hearties, for this be a tale with a twist. Somehow, against all odds, the musician managed to finish his album, with help from his trusty crew.
So next time ye be listenin' to that album, remember the tale of the musician who defied the odds and completed his masterpiece, despite the challenges he faced. And if ye ever find yerself in a similar situation, just remember: never underestimate the power of a pirate with a dream.

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