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Arrr, Israel be stormin' the mighty hospital in Gaza, sayin' it be a hideout for the scurvy Hamas crew!


Arrr mateys! The scurvy dogs of Israel be raidin' the grand hospital in Gaza once more, claimin' that the dastardly crew of Hamas be hidin' there and firin' their cannons! Avast ye, these be treacherous waters indeed!

Avast ye, me hearties! 'Tis been reported that the scallywags from Israel raided the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, claimin' that them Hamas rascals be regroupin' there and firin' attacks from inside the compound. Aye, the Israeli military raided Al-Shifa Hospital before, believin' that Hamas had a command center beneath the facility, as confirmed by a US intelligence report.The poor souls shelterin' in the hospital said the Israeli forces surrounded the place and even had snipers firin' at 'em. The folks claimed the army detained dozens of people and even directed gun and missile fire at a buildin' used for surgeries. The Gaza Health Ministry said around 30,000 people sought refuge at the hospital during the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.The Israeli military spokesperson claimed senior Hamas militants were directin' attacks from the hospital. Israel be accusin' Hamas of shieldin' its fighters in civilian facilities. Most of Gaza's medical facilities be closed due to lack of supplies, and the United Nations reported a quarter of the population be starvin'.Hamas started the war with a surprise attack in October, killin' thousands. Attempts to broker a cease-fire and release hostages have failed. Arr, the seas be rough and the land be bloody in the fight between Israel and Hamas!

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