The Booty Report

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Ye scallywags from New Zealand be walkin' the plank after tusslin' with the law on a Thai island! Arrr!


Avast ye scoundrels! Two landlubbers from the far off lands of New Zealand hath had their papers revoked by the immigration swabs in Thailand. 'Tis said they did lay hands on a traffic constable on a tropical isle. Aye, they be in a right pickle now! Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! Thailand’s immigration authorities be walkin' the plank o' two scallywag New Zealand tourists accused o' assaultin' a traffic police officer on a popular resort island! The brothers Hamish Day and Oscar Mattson Day be facin' charges includin' robbery, causin' harm to an officer, attempted bribery, and ridin' a motorcycle without a license. The police be requestin' the court to deny their release on bail, arrr!The officer Somsak Noo-iat tried to stop the rapscallions speedin' on their motorbikes, but they tried to flee and even offered a bribe! They wrestled the officer's gun and a shot was fired, me hearties! The video of the incident spread like wildfire across the seven seas!The police chief claims that the scallywag who attacked the officer be a mixed martial arts fighter, arrr! The brothers be denyin' all charges and not givin' any statement. The officer be recoverin' from his injuries, but such attacks be condemned by the authorities, who be vowin' to keep a keen eye on troublemakin' tourists!Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum! The brothers be in hot water, and the seas be rough for them in Thailand, where their visas be revoked and the law be watchin' their every move!

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