The Booty Report

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Arrr matey, who be this Marwan Issa, the scallywag Hamas commander sent to Davy Jones' locker by Israel?


Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that Mr. Issa, a scallywag of the highest order, met his maker in the battle of Oct. 7. He be one of the top dogs of the Hamas crew to walk the plank in Gaza since the war began. Aye, 'tis a blow to their scurvy ranks!

Arrr, me hearties! It be a sad day for the scallywags of Gaza as news be spreadin' that Mr. Issa, a feared planner of the Oct. 7 attacks, be walkin' the plank into Davy Jones' locker. Aye, he be one of the most senior leaders of the treacherous crew known as Hamas, and his demise be a blow to their wicked plans.
But fear not, me mateys, for justice be swift and merciless on the high seas of war. The cannons be a-blazin' and the swords be a-clashin', as the forces of righteousness be takin' down these villainous knaves one by one. Mr. Issa may have thought he could outsmart the authorities, but in the end, his luck ran out like a ship caught in a storm.
So let this be a lesson to all ye scurvy dogs who think ye can plot and scheme against the good people of Gaza. The long arm of the law be reachin' for ye, and no hideout be safe from its grasp. Mr. Issa may have met his end, but there be plenty more like him sailin' the seas. Beware, ye blackguards, for justice be comin' for ye next!

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