The Booty Report

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Trump be sayin' them Jews who back Democrats be hatin' Israel and their own faith, arrr!


Arrr mateys! The scallywags on a radio show be spewin' anti-Semitic balderdash, just like the scurvy dog they be defendin'. His blabber about bein' president be gettin' more outlandish by the day, earnin' a round of grog from all who hear. Aye, the rumors be true!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen closely to the scallywags on the airwaves, spouting off antisemitic nonsense like a bunch of landlubbers! They be talkin' like they be knowin' the truth, but all they be doin' is stirrin' up trouble like a bunch of bilge rats!
These scallywags be echoin' the same ol' lies and accusations that have been sailin' 'round for centuries. They be tryin' to make it seem like them Jews be to blame for everythin', like they be some sort of cursed treasure bringin' bad luck to the whole crew!
And as if that ain't enough, they be makin' wild claims like they be the captain of the ship! Claimin' they be knowin' all the secrets of the sea, when really they be just spoutin' off hot air like a busted cannon!
But fear not, me hearties! We be standin' strong against these scallywags, ready to defend the truth and set sail for a better, more inclusive world! So hoist the anchor, raise the sails, and let's show these scallywags what real pirates be made of!

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