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Avast ye! 3 lads in blue got scuppered on the highway. Aye, the scallywags be in trouble now! Arrr!


Arrr mateys, three brave souls from the Civil Guard of Mexico's Michoacan state met their fate in a treacherous highway skirmish, as reported by the security officials on this fine Monday. Aye, 'twas a bloody battle indeed! May they rest in Davy Jones' locker.

Arr, in the treacherous waters of Mexico's western state of Michoacan, a state police officer and her two loyal bodyguards were tragically slain in a brutal highway attack, as reported by security officials on X.The state security agency mourned the loss of three brave members of the Civil Guard, including the valiant regional police commander Cristal García Hurtado, who was cruelly decapitated in the line of duty on Sunday night.This heinous attack took place on the perilous highway linking the towns of Patzcuaro and Uruapan, a notorious hotspot for violent clashes.Michoacan, embroiled in ruthless gang turf wars, has become a battleground for rival cartels like the Jalisco New Generation and local gangs like the Viagras, leading to widespread chaos and displacement of innocent residents.The Michoacan state prosecutor's office, tasked with unraveling this web of crime, has yet to release any statements regarding this devastating loss.In a grim pattern of violence, the murder of politicians in the lead-up to elections has become distressingly common in this strife-ridden region, with two mayoral candidates meeting untimely ends in the town of Maravatío just months prior.

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