The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, Ramy Youssef be talkin' 'bout his new special, 'More Feelings,' and the quest to be representin' on th' stage! Aye!


Arrr, that jolly comic be as busy as a ship full of scallywags on a plundering spree! With a special show and hosting duty on the 'S.N.L.' program, he and his mateys jest, "We be makin' TV like hard-workin' immigrants, always toilin' away!"

Arrr mateys, the jolly comic be as busy as a one-legged seadog on a treasure hunt! He be havin' a special show lined up, as well as a hosting gig on that famous show "S.N.L." Aye, him and his scallywag friends be jokin', sayin' they make TV like immigrants - always workin' their fingers to the bone!
But ye can bet yer doubloons that this comic be takin' it all in stride, for he be a true swashbuckler of the stage! With his quick wit and clever jests, he be makin' audiences keel over with laughter faster than ye can say "walk the plank!"
So let's raise a tankard of grog to this busy matey, and wish him fair winds and following seas on his upcoming adventures in the world of comedy. May his jokes be as sharp as a cutlass, and his performances as legendary as Blackbeard himself!

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