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Biden's 2024 quest be like a swashbucklin' game o' Trivial Pursuit against Trump, for lack o' fresh thoughts. Arrr!


Arrr mateys, under Joe Biden we be seein' a right mess o' immigration woes, plunderous inflation, and housing costs as high as the crow's nest. The cap'n can't even swab the deck of his own mess! 'Tis all just small taters now, arrr!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, it is a sorry sight indeed to see an American president making a fool of himself. Joe Biden, the purportedly most powerful man in the world, is now preoccupied with petty matters like title fees, shrinkflation, and ice-cream machines. It is quite a spectacle to witness the leader of the free world being led around like a lost puppy and dodging questions with feeble excuses.Not only is Biden's lack of intelligence glaringly obvious, but his focus on trivial issues also underscores his weakness as a leader. Instead of addressing pressing matters like inflation and immigration, he is fixated on small potatoes like convenience fees and title insurance.Now, in an absurd turn of events, Biden's administration is launching a full-scale investigation into broken soft-serve ice cream machines. This ludicrous endeavor further highlights the president's penchant for trivial pursuits and his inability to tackle real problems facing the nation.While Biden's administration is busy fighting against insignificant fees and broken ice cream machines, the American people are grappling with soaring costs of living and stagnant incomes. It is high time for the president to focus on issues that truly matter, rather than getting bogged down in trivial pursuits.

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