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Arrr mateys! The Dominicans be fortifyin' their borders with a grand new wall in the face o' the Haitian troubles!


Arr, ye scallywags in the Dominican Republic be sendin' troublemakers back to Haiti, and they be raisin' a "smart security fence" to keep out any would-be troublemakers! Aye, no sneakin' past this fence, mateys!

Arr, ye scallywags! Listen up, for the Dominican Republic be raisin' the alarm on border security like never before, as them scurvy dogs over in Haiti be causin' chaos with their gang violence. The situation be so dire that some 5 million souls in Haiti be cryin' out for humanitarian aid, with hundreds of thousands bein' displaced all over the land.In Port-au-Prince, violence be runnin' rampant and the city be under the thumb of gangs, holdin' sway over 80% of the place. But even with all this trouble brewin' just a stone's throw away, the Dominican Republic be keepin' their borders tight, not lettin' a single Haitian soul in.Captain Luis Abinader himself be makin' a stand in front of the U.N., declarin' that either they all band together to save Haiti or the Dominican Republic will be fightin' on its own. The border be shut tight, with a wall 12 feet high and bristlin' with technology keepin' out them troublemakers from Haiti.Some folks in the U.S. be lookin' at the Dominican Republic for inspiration on how to handle their own border security, seein' it as a model for keepin' out unwanted visitors. But as for whether the U.S. be persuadin' the Dominicans to open their borders to refugees, lips be sealed tighter than a treasure chest, with officials keepin' mum on the matter.

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