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Arrr, Pentagon be wantin' to stay in Niger while junta tells 'em to hit the high seas!


Arrr mateys, the Pentagon be tryin' to strike a bargain with Niger's military rulers to let our scallywags stay in their lands for fightin' off the sea dogs of terrorism. Savvy?

Arrr mateys! The Pentagon be in cahoots with the officials of Niger, tryin' to find a way for our U.S. troops to stay in the country, a vital base for swashbucklin' counterterrorism operations in sub-Saharan Africa. Last week, a grand high level-delegation of U.S. officials, led by Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Molly Phee and Gen. Michael Langley of U.S. Africa Command, sailed to Niger to parley with the military junta.Pentagon deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh revealed that the discussions with the junta were as lengthy as a sailor's yarn, spurred in part by fears of Niger's dalliances with Russia and Iran. The U.S. be watchin' the Russian activities closely to protect our treasures and interests.Following the meeting, the junta's spokesperson claimed U.S. flights over Niger were as illegal as a stolen doubloon. A local activist even scolded the U.S. for meddlin' in Niger's affairs, demandin' that American bases and personnel walk the plank. But fear not, me hearties, for the U.S. be workin' through diplomatic channels to seek clarity on the situation.The junta took the helm in Niger after scurvy mutineers ousted the democratically elected president. The U.S. still be keepin' around 1,000 souls in Niger, mostly for counterterrorism operations in the Sahel. This base be crucial for surveillin' the land and protectin' our crew from harm.In the treacherous Sahel, the U.S. has aided local troops, though such missions have been scaled back since a deadly joint operation in 2017. But fear not, me hearties, for the adventures in Niger be far from over!

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