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Avast ye mateys! Estonia's cap'n be cryin' out to our allies, "Hoist the Jolly Roger and be harder on the Russkies!" Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! The fearless Jennifer Griffin parlayed with Estonia's fair maiden Prime Minister and a scurvy dog who be hollerin' at Putin for Special Report with Bret Baier. 'Twas a tale to shiver yer timbers!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, European leaders be plunderin' their coffers to beef up defense and industry while the U.S. be waverin' in its support for Ukraine. The Estonian Prime Minister, Kaja Kallas, be takin' the lead, known for her tough stance against Russia. Some scallywags even say she feasts on Russians for breakfast. Russia even issued a warrant for her arrest for dismantlin' Soviet monuments, but Kallas be standin' her ground.When asked if she be too harsh on Putin, Kallas retorted, "Can one be tough enough on the scurvy dog, considerin' his deeds?" Since Russia invaded Ukraine, Kallas be one of Putin's fiercest critics.She be eyeing the position of NATO Secretary General, but some naysayers claim she be too bellicose for the role. Kallas be firm in sayin' Putin should have no say in NATO's affairs.Estonia, on the front line of NATO, be spendin' a pretty penny on defense, includin' aid for Ukraine. Kallas be warnin' against negotiatin' with Russia, recallin' her own family's sufferin' under Stalin's regime. She be adamant that givin' in to Russia's demands will only bring more conflict.Kallas be callin' on the U.S. to stand by Ukraine, lest Russia triumph and spread its influence. She be a voice of caution, remindin' all to learn from history and not let aggression go unpunished.

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