The Booty Report

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Arrr! The Defense Secretary be singin' praises to me hearties in NATO for standin' strong with Ukraine, savvy?


Yarrr! Avast ye mateys! Despite rumblings o' doubt 'bout more help from the States, the American defense secretary told a motley crew in Kyiv that the battle against Russia be one of the grand causes of our era. Aye, we'll shiver their timbers! Arrr!

Arr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! The American defense secretary be talkin' about supportin' Kyiv in their battle against those landlubber Russians. Despite some doubloons about givin' more aid, he be sayin' that fightin' Russia be one of the grandest causes of our time!
He be rallyin' up all the backers of Kyiv, makin' sure they know that the fightin' spirit be strong and they be needin' all the help they can get. The seas be rough, but with the right allies by their side, Kyiv be standin' a chance against those scurvy dogs from Russia.
So let's raise a pint of grog to Kyiv and their fight against the Russians! May the winds be always at their backs and their cannons be always loaded. And remember, mateys, supportin' Kyiv be supportin' one of the greatest causes of our time!

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