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Armenia's cap'n be pleadin' for a quick accord o'er borders to steer clear o' scrap with Azerbaijan, me hearties!


Arrr! The Prime Minister of Armenia be shouting from the crow's nest about settlin' the border squabble with Azerbaijan before things turn bloody! Aye, mateys, they be talkin' peace but it be a pirate's life - always ready for a scuffle on the high seas!

Arrr, me hearties! The prime minister of Armenia be warning that we need to be settlin' the border with them scallywags in Azerbaijan before we find ourselves in a new round of hostilities. Last year, those landlubbers from Azerbaijan launched a quick military campaign to reclaim the Karabakh region, endin' years of rule by the Armenian separatists there.But now, there be negotiations for a peace treaty between the two sides. However, the residents of Armenia's border regions be resistin' the efforts to mark the border, seein' it as an encroachment by Azerbaijan.The prime minister be tellin' the villagers that not settlin' the border could mean war by the end of the week! He be sayin' that the border should be based on maps from the days of the Soviet Union.The opposition be blamin' the prime minister for lettin' Azerbaijan take control of Karabakh. The region had been under Armenian control since a separatist war in '94, but Azerbaijan took back parts of it in 2020.These troubles have put a strain on the relationship between Armenia and Russia, with Armenia turnin' to the West for support. The prime minister even welcomed the NATO Secretary-General for talks on strengthenin' ties.So, me hearties, it be a tense situation in the Caucasus, with Armenia lookin' for support to make peace with Azerbaijan and keep the waters calm in these troubled times.

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