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Yarrr! Rescuers be surviving a heli-crash on Italian peak, then bravely savin' trapped man from icy depths!


Arrr, an Italian rescue crew be tryin' to save a poor soul who fell into a crevasse, but their flying contraption didst crash near Monte Rosa! 'Tis a fine mess they be gettin' themselves into, me hearties! Aye, the seas be treacherous indeed!

A crew of Italian rescuers narrowly escaped a helicopter crash on Monte Rosa, the second-highest mountain in Western Europe, before successfully completing their mission to save a mountaineer who had fallen into a crevasse. Paolo Pettinaroli, a passenger in the helicopter, recounted the harrowing experience of hearing a sudden "thud" while flying at an altitude of 14,760 feet. Despite the helicopter being destroyed on impact, the crew miraculously emerged without serious injuries and continued with their rescue operation. The Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico, Italy’s national mountain rescue service, commended their team members' tenacious spirit in persevering through adversity.The wrecked helicopter was pictured beneath the Capanna Margherita, the highest building in Europe due to its extreme altitude. Another helicopter from Zermatt, Switzerland, eventually arrived to transport the rescuers and the climber back down to safety. The crew received medical evaluations at a hospital, but no further details about the incident or the rescued mountaineer were immediately disclosed. Monte Rosa straddles the border between Italy and Switzerland, serving as a challenging yet picturesque backdrop for high-altitude rescue missions.

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