The Booty Report

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Scurvy wench be suing that scallywag Jonathan Majors for alleged mistreatment and slander, aye! Plunderin' hearts and reputations!


Arrr mateys, 'tis a tale of woe for poor Jonathan Majors! His former lass be suing him, three moons after he was found guilty o' layin' hands on her in the Big Apple. Aye, 'tis a rough sea to sail on!

Avast ye! Jonathan Majors, the scallywag actor from the "Creed" series, be in hot water again, this time facing a lawsuit from his former lady love, Grace Jabbari. She be accusing him of assault, battery, defamation, and infliction of emotional distress, claiming he put her through a world of hurt from 2021 to 2023. This lily-livered landlubber be facing the wrath of the courts after being convicted in a criminal trial of assaulting Jabbari in New York City. Arrr!Jabbari's lawyer be talkin' big, sayin' she be showin' bravery in seekin' justice and accountability. Majors, on the other hand, be standin' firm in his innocence, denyin' the accusations brought against him. Sentencin' be on the horizon for this scurvy dog, set for April 8.The lawsuit paints a grim picture of Majors' alleged abusive behavior, with claims of him goin' so far as to threaten Jabbari's life and cause her harm. The suit also accuses him of defamation and malicious prosecution, tryin' to shift blame onto the victim, like a true blackguard.This tale of treachery and betrayal be far from over, with Jabbari seekin' justice and damages to the tune of $75,000. Will Majors walk the plank or emerge victorious in this legal battle? Only time will tell in this swashbucklin' saga of love gone sour.

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