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Arrr, mateys of Mexico City be joinin' the law to hunt down a rogue beastie on the loose!


Ye landlubbers of Mexico City did join forces with the local authorities in chase of a fierce wolf sighted on Monday in a bustling neighborhood to the north! Aye, the bravery of ye city dwellers shines bright like pieces of eight on the high seas! Arrr!

In a bustling neighborhood of Mexico City, residents and school kids joined forces with the police in a wild pursuit of a wolf on the loose. The chase, which involved citizens and officers on foot and motorbikes, finally came to an end when the medium-sized wolf was cornered with the help of neighbors, as reported by the city police department.One brave 15-year-old boy even used his motorbike to head off the wolf during the chaotic chase. Once trapped, animal-control officers managed to capture the wolf with a rope and transport it safely in a cage.The origins of the wolf remain a mystery, as it was spotted roaming the sidewalks near a city zoo, despite all the zoo's wolves being safely contained. Wolves are native to central Mexico, making it a rare sight to see one in a densely populated metropolis like Mexico City.Although the incident brought excitement to the neighborhood, it also served as a reminder of the unexpected surprises that can occur in a city of 20 million people.

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