The Booty Report

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Arr matey, a bridge to nowhere be a sign of Hungary's patronage politics, savvy? Full o' gold doubloons! Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! Prime Minister Viktor Orban be keepin' his hold on the land by givin' out gold doubloons to his mates while buildin' a walkway without trees! A sight for sore eyes indeed, me thinks! Aye, critics be squawkin' like parrots in a storm!

Avast ye, me hearties! Aye, the scallywag Prime Minister Viktor Orban be keepin' his hold on the land by showerin' his loyal crew with gold doubloons, or so the naysayers claim. But while he be a beacon for them "anti-woke" conservatives across the seas, here at home he be accused of buyin' loyalty with coin.
Now, picture this: a treeless "treetop canopy walkway." Aye, ye heard right. No trees to be seen on this walkway high in the sky. What kind of sorcery be this, ye may ask? Well, it be a wonder of modern engineering, they say. But me thinks it be more like a joke played on us poor landlubbers.
So, me hearties, keep a weather eye on the horizon, for the political seas be rough waters indeed. And as we sail through these turbulent times, remember to always question the motives of those in power. And never be afraid to speak out against injustice, even if it means walkin' on a treeless walkway high above the ground.

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