The Booty Report

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Arrr, a tale of love and biting in the musical 'Teeth', aye, a bloody good time!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Hoist the sails and brace yerselves for a tale of a lass with teeth as sharp as a cutlass, now turned into a merry jig on the silver screen. Arrr, 'tis a strange twist that'll have ye plundering for more!

Arrr matey! Listen close and hear the tale of a lass with a mouthful o' teeth like no other. This young maiden be havin' a set o' chompers that be givin' folks a shock, makin' 'em jump outta their boots! But ye know what be even more surprisin' than her teeth? The fact that this here horror film she be starin' in be gettin' turned into a song-and-dance extravaganza!
Arrr, can ye believe it? A frightenin' film about a girl with monstrous teeth bein' turned into a jolly musical? 'Tis like mixin' rum with grog, a strange combination indeed! But it be true, me hearties, this be happenin' in the world o' showbiz. The lass with the sharp teeth be takin' center stage, belting out tunes and cuttin' a rug like it be nobody's business!
So if ye be lookin' for a bit o' laughter and a dash o' fright, this be the film for ye! Set sail for the theater, grab yer popcorn and buckle yer seatbelt for a wild ride like no other. And who knows, ye might just find yerself singin' and dancin' along with the lass with the surprise set of chompers!

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