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Arrr, North Korea be testin' a new hypersonic missile aimed at one scallywag in the US! Avast ye mateys!


Arrr mateys! The fearsome North Korean leader Kim Jong Un be testin' his new hypersonic missile that can strike the U.S. target. Avast! Keep a weather eye on the horizon, for this be a mighty weapon indeed! Aye, the seas be gettin' rougher!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, North Korea be boastin' about a successful test o' their new hypersonic missile technology on Tuesday, as reported by their own government-run media. On that day, the mighty North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, oversaw a ground test o' the multi-stage solid-fuel engine for their new intermediate-range hypersonic missile at the Sohae Satellite Launching Ground. This powerful weapon be designed to strike U.S. targets in the Pacific region, includin' the territory of Guam, where the U.S. military be stationed.Ahoy! Kim Jong Un be claimin' that this new missile be capable o' reachin' the U.S. mainland, and he be warnin' that their enemies best be fearin' it. The North be workin' on developin' missiles that can reach Alaska and even closer targets in Japan. They be seekin' weapons that can outsmart U.S. and South Korean defenses.In recent times, North Korea be makin' progress in testin' solid-fuel missiles that be harder to detect. It be said that Tuesday's engine test be a sign that a test-launch o' the hypersonic missile be near. This be one o' many high-tech weapons systems that Kim be aimin' to achieve, claimin' it be in response to U.S. hostility.Experts be predictin' more missile tests from North Korea in the lead-up to the U.S. presidential election, so buckle yer swash and keep a weather eye on the horizon for further developments.

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