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Arrr! The UN chief be cryin' foul as them scallywags bein' blasted to Davy Jones' locker in Burma.


Avast ye scallywags! The high and mighty U.N. Secretary General António Guterres be cryin' foul over the bloody violence in Burma! Them airstrikes be takin' out 25 poor souls! 'Tis a sad day when even pirates be more civilized than them landlubbers! Arrr!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, the scallywags in western Burma be unleashing military airstrikes on the poor Muslim Rohingya, sending at least 25 of 'em to Davy Jones' locker, including wee ones. Arrr, the U.N. chief be raising the Jolly Roger, expressin' concerns over the escalating violence in them parts.Them reports be sayin' the airstrikes hit Thada village, north of Minbya township in Rakhine state, on a Monday morning, leavin' 25 wounded souls in their wake. The scurvy military government kept mum on the matter.The U.N. Secretary-General be blowin' the cannon, condemnin' all forms of violence and callin' for the protection of civilians in accordance with the law of the sea. The Burmese military be turnin' to airstrikes to quell the rebellion against their rule, leavin' a trail of destruction in their wake.The Rohingya village of Thada saw the wrath of a jet fighter, droppin' bombs like a drunken sailor in the night. The victims, includin' children, had fled from nearby battles, fearin' for their lives in the face of the relentless attacks.The Arakan Army, a fierce lot seekin' autonomy in Rakhine, be playin' a dangerous game with the military, turnin' the land into a battlefield. The U.N. chief be soundin' the alarm on the escalating conflict, warnin' of more bloodshed and suffering in the troubled waters of Burma.Avast ye, the plight of the Rohingya be a tragic tale of persecution and violence in a land torn by strife and division. The echoes of battle ring in the air as the forces clash, leavin' a trail of devastation and despair in their wake. May the winds of peace blow over these troubled waters, bringin' an end to the bloodshed and the suffering of innocent souls caught in the crossfire.

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