The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, the scurvy geologists say we be not in the 'Anthropocene' epoch. Avast, what be next then?


Arrr mateys, the scallywags in charge have finally agreed with the learned folks on when the Earth came to be. 'Twas a battle of wits, but the scholars prevailed in the end. The history books be gettin' a much-needed refresh, by Blackbeard's beard!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags in charge of the field have finally settled a dispute among the learned folk about the history of our fair Earth. After much debate and squabbling, the vote was cast and the decision be made official. 'Tis a victory for science and reason!
For too long, the old timeline be causing a ruckus among the scholars. Some wanted to shake things up, while others clung to the past like barnacles on a ship. But now, at last, the matter be settled and the new timeline be accepted by all.
Ye can almost hear the cheers and grog flowing in celebration! The winds of change have blown through the academic world, and now we can all set sail on a new course of discovery and knowledge. 'Tis a great day for science, me hearties!

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